From Gallery Walls to Digital Screens: Selling Your Artwork Online

You might be too young to remember this but in the 17th Century if you wanted to sell art then you’d have to find a rich guy to pay you. Okay, I’m not old enough to remember that either, but that’s how it usually went down.

A rich person would sponsor you and you got to create a piece of art.

In today’s world, there is nothing stopping anyone from creating the art that they want, but that doesn’t mean money has stopped playing a role. If you want to continue to spend most of your time creating art then you need to make money.

But the question is how do you start selling artwork online without feeling like you have to become a full-blown marketer? That’s a great question.

Let’s answer it.

The Growing Trend of Selling Artwork Online

More and more artists are discovering the benefits of selling their artwork online. According to a recent study, online art sales grew by an impressive 15% in 2019, and this growth is expected to continue. Online platforms allow artists to reach a global audience, breaking the geographical barriers that are often present with traditional art galleries.

YearOnline Art Sales Growth

Artists are selling a variety of artwork online, from paintings and sculptures to digital art and prints. The internet is a vast marketplace where there’s a buyer for every type of artwork. Whether you’re a painter, a digital artist, or a photographer, there’s a space for you in the online art market.

selling artwork online

Why You Should Consider Selling Your Artwork Online

If you’re an artist who hasn’t yet considered selling your artwork online, now is the perfect time to start. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Broad Audience: Online platforms can help you reach a global audience. This means that your artwork can be seen by art lovers and collectors from all over the world, expanding your potential customer base.
  2. Freedom and Control: Selling your artwork online gives you the freedom to control your own business. You can set your own prices, control your brand image, and choose how to market your artwork.
  3. Flexible Schedule: With online selling, you can work from the comfort of your home and set your own schedule.
  4. Extra Income: Selling artwork online can provide an extra stream of income. Whether you’re a full-time artist or a hobbyist, online sales can help supplement your income.

Learning how to sell your artwork doesn’t have to be a challenge. In fact, you’ll find that selling your artwork online mostly comes down to your ability to continue to tell stories.

The better you get at doing that the easier selling your artwork becomes.

Preparing Your Artwork for Sale

Before you start selling artwork online, it’s important to properly prepare your pieces. This involves documenting your artwork, pricing it correctly, and writing compelling descriptions.

Documenting Your Artwork

The first step in preparing your artwork for sale is to document it. This involves taking high-quality photographs of your work. Ensure your artwork is well-lit, and the images capture the true colors and details of your pieces. If possible, include images from different angles and close-ups to show texture and depth.

It’s also important to keep accurate records of your work. This includes information such as the title, medium, dimensions, and the date it was created. This information will be useful when you list your artwork for sale and when interacting with potential buyers.

Pricing Your Artwork

Determining the right price for your artwork can be challenging. It’s essential to strike a balance between a price that reflects the value of your work and what the market is willing to pay. Consider factors such as the cost of materials, time spent, your experience level, and prices of similar art pieces in the market. For more detailed guidance on pricing your artwork, check out our article on how to price your artwork.

Writing Descriptions for Your Artwork

When selling artwork online, the description plays a key role in attracting potential buyers. The description should provide essential details about the piece, including the inspiration behind it, the materials used, and the size.

In addition, it’s a good idea to tell a story about your artwork. This could include the creative process, what the piece means to you, or what you hope others will feel when they look at it. This helps to create an emotional connection with potential buyers, making them more likely to purchase your artwork.

Remember, preparing your artwork for sale is an important step in the process of selling artwork online. By taking the time to accurately document, price, and describe your pieces, you’ll be well on your way to success in the online art marketplace. For more tips on selling your artwork, check out our article on how to sell your artwork.

Platforms for Selling Artwork Online

If you’re considering selling artwork online, choosing the right platform is crucial. Different platforms cater to different audiences and have unique features that can help you reach your business goals. This section will cover three popular types of platforms: online art galleries, social media platforms, and e-commerce websites.

Online Art Galleries

Online art galleries are a fantastic option if you’re looking to reach a broad and diverse audience. These platforms tend to attract art enthusiasts who are interested in purchasing unique and original pieces. Plus, they often provide resources and tools to help you manage your sales and promote your work.

One advantage of selling on online art galleries is the ease of use. Most platforms offer a simple and straightforward process for uploading your artwork, setting prices, and managing orders. Plus, they take care of all the technical aspects, allowing you to focus on creating your art.

For more information on how to sell your art in online galleries, check out our guide on how to sell your artwork.

Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are a great way to showcase your art and connect directly with your audience. Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook offer various tools for artists to display their work, interact with fans, and even make sales.

Selling your artwork on social media allows you to take advantage of the platform’s built-in audience. You can post photos of your work, share behind-the-scenes content, and engage with your followers in real-time. Plus, you can use hashtags and other features to reach a wider audience.

To learn more about using social media to sell your artwork, read our article on selling art on social media.

E-commerce Websites

E-commerce websites like Etsy, Amazon, and eBay are another excellent option for selling artwork online. These platforms are well-established and trusted by millions of shoppers worldwide.

One of the main advantages of selling on e-commerce websites is the extensive customer base. These platforms have millions of active users looking to buy products of all kinds, including art. Plus, they offer various tools to help you manage your store, track sales, and interact with customers.

If you’re interested in setting up a shop on an e-commerce website, take a look at our guides on selling art on Etsy and selling art on eBay.

Choosing the right platform can make a big difference in your success when selling artwork online. Be sure to consider your personal goals, the type of art you create, and the audience you want to reach when making your decision. And remember, you can always use a combination of platforms to maximize your exposure and reach more potential buyers.

Marketing Your Artwork Online

Once you’ve prepared your artwork for sale, it’s time to focus on marketing it online. This involves building your online presence, engaging with your audience, and leveraging SEO and social media.

Building Your Online Presence

Your online presence is essentially your digital storefront. It’s the first thing potential buyers will see when they search for your artwork, so it’s crucial to make a good impression. Start by creating a professional website or a portfolio on an online art marketplace. This will act as a central hub for showcasing your artwork, sharing your artist statement, and providing information about your art process. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to branding. Your brand should reflect your art style and personality. For further guidance on creating a compelling brand, check out our article on art branding and identity.

Engaging With Your Audience

Engagement is a crucial part of online marketing. By interacting with your audience, you can build relationships, gain insights, and increase brand loyalty. Start by actively responding to comments and messages, sharing behind-the-scenes content, and regularly posting updates about your artwork. Hosting live sessions or Q&A’s can also be a great way to engage with your audience and give them a deeper insight into your art process. These efforts not only help to humanize your brand but also foster a sense of community around your artwork.

Leveraging SEO and Social Media

Search engine optimization (SEO) and social media are essential tools for marketing your artwork online. SEO improves your website’s visibility in search engine results, increasing your chances of reaching potential buyers. This involves optimizing your website content with relevant keywords, such as “original artwork for sale” or “abstract art prints”.

In addition to SEO, social media platforms can be a powerful tool for promoting your artwork. Each platform offers unique opportunities for showcasing and selling your art, whether it’s creating captivating visuals on Instagram, using Pinterest’s high-traffic art boards, or leveraging the community aspect of Facebook. For more information on how to sell art on different social media platforms, check out our articles on selling art on Instagram, selling art on Pinterest, and selling art on YouTube.

Remember, the goal of marketing is not just to sell your artwork but also to build a sustainable brand that resonates with your audience. By focusing on building your online presence, engaging with your audience, and leveraging SEO and social media, you can create a strong foundation for your online art business. For more tips on promoting your artwork online, check out our article on art marketing strategies.

Tips for a Successful Online Art Business

Running a successful online art business is no easy feat, but with the right strategies, you can sell your artwork online and make a name for yourself in the art world. In this section, we’ll delve into some important aspects of running an online art business, including customer service, packaging and shipping artwork, and handling returns and refunds.

Providing Excellent Customer Service

Good customer service can set you apart in the online art market. It’s all about building relationships with your customers. Respond to queries promptly, be polite, and aim to provide solutions to any issues that might arise. Remember, a satisfied customer is likely to return and even recommend your art to others.

Consider creating an FAQ section on your website to answer common questions about your art, shipping policies, and returns. This not only helps your customers but also saves you time in responding to repeated queries.

Packaging and Shipping Artwork

When it comes to packaging and shipping your artwork, the aim is to ensure that the art arrives in perfect condition. Use high-quality packing materials and take the time to secure your artwork properly.

You should also provide clear and detailed shipping information to your customers. Be transparent about shipping costs and delivery times. Providing tracking information is also a good practice as it allows your customers to monitor their package’s journey.

Packaging MaterialPurpose
Bubble WrapTo protect the artwork from damage
Cardboard CornersTo protect the corners of the artwork
Acid-Free PaperTo wrap the artwork and prevent discoloration
Sturdy BoxTo secure the artwork during shipping

Handling Returns and Refunds

Despite your best efforts, there may be times when a customer is not completely satisfied and wishes to return an item. It’s important to have a clear return and refund policy in place. This policy should detail the conditions under which returns are accepted, the return process, and how refunds are issued.

Remember, a fair and transparent return policy can enhance your credibility and customer trust. Always handle returns professionally, and aim to resolve any issues promptly and amicably.

Running a successful online art business involves many moving parts, but with the right strategies, you can make your mark in the online art world. Always strive to improve your business operations and provide the best possible service to your customers. For more tips on selling your artwork online, check out our article on art business tips.

Overcoming Challenges in Selling Artwork Online

While selling artwork online can be a rewarding and profitable endeavor, it also comes with its own set of challenges. From dealing with competition to protecting your artwork and ensuring payment security, there are several hurdles that you may need to navigate. Thankfully, with the right strategies and a proactive approach, these obstacles can be overcome.

Dealing with Competition

The online art marketplace is vibrant and diverse, but it can also be highly competitive. There are numerous artists looking to share and sell their creations online, which can make standing out a challenge. However, don’t let this discourage you. There are ways to carve out your own niche and make your mark.

Firstly, ensure your artwork is unique and authentic. Customers are attracted to originality, and your personal style can set you apart from others. Make sure you effectively communicate what makes your art special in your descriptions and marketing efforts.

Secondly, use social media to your advantage. Regularly sharing your work, engaging with your audience, and using relevant hashtags can increase your visibility and help you reach potential customers. Check out our art marketing strategies for more tips on promoting your artwork online.

Protecting Your Artwork

Protecting your artwork online is crucial. The digital landscape, while providing incredible opportunities for artists, has also made it easier for individuals to misuse or plagiarize artwork. Consider using digital watermarks or lower resolution images for your online portfolio to deter unauthorized use.

In addition, educate yourself about copyright laws and consider registering your artwork for copyright protection. This will provide legal protection for your work and allow you to take action if your artwork is used without your permission.

Ensuring Payment Security

When selling artwork online, ensuring payment security is paramount. It’s important to use trusted and secure payment platforms to protect both you and your customers.

Also, be clear and transparent about your pricing, shipping, and return policies to avoid any misunderstandings. Having clear policies in place can help build trust with your customers and make them feel more comfortable purchasing your artwork.

Remember, challenges are a part of any business, and selling artwork online is no exception. By being prepared and proactive, you can overcome these hurdles and successfully sell your artwork online. Be sure to check out our art business tips for more advice on running a successful online art business.

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